Object Fix Zip is a free program for repairing ZIP archives. Usually,
a corrupt Zip file gives the error messages "Cannot open file: it does
not appear to be a valid archive" or “CRC (cyclic redundancy check)
error” for one or more of the files it contains. These errors can result
from an interrupted download or a failed copy or move.
If the file was downloaded from the internet and there is a "mirror"
out there, it is better to download it again. It often happens, however, that
there is only one copy of a ZIP archive containing important data and it sits
on a disk with bad sectors – that's when Object Fix Zip can help
you. The program can create an error-free backup of your original file for
instant access. No special computer skills are required, the program is a
hassle-free wizard. What is more, it is available for download and use absolutely
free of charge.
This software is designed for repairing corrupt or otherwise deficient ZIP
archives, e.g. those that are not completely downloaded or partially damaged.
Download and use this product for free!
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» Object Fix Zip
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